Pentathlon Invitational 2019
Hello Marlins,
This email is very informative on our upcoming invitational.
What is an invitational?
a meet that is not part of the regular season dual meets. Invitationals require qualifying times and cost money per event to attend.
Our 2nd invitational is called the Pentathlon and it is held Sunday, June 9th. Attached is the meet invitation that has lots of information.
TIME AND DATE: Sunday, June 9, 2019
Location: Klein High School 16715 Stuebner Airline Rd. Klein, TX 77379
Warm Up-TBD
Age Groups 7 & Under, 8, 9 & 10’s
Session starts at 8:30 AM
Age Group 11 and Up- scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM (or 1 1/2 hours after the conclusion of Morning Session).
Award presentation immediately following each session
Qualifying times in Yards:
8 & U Boys 5:55.00 8 & U Girls 5:55.00
9 – 10 Boys 4:20.00 9 – 10 Girls 4:19.00
11 – 12 Boys 4:25.00 11 – 12 Girls 4:25.00
13 – 14 Boys 4:00.00 13 – 14 Girls 4:10.00
15 – 18 Boys 3:40.00 15 – 18 Girls 3:45.00
NOTE: These times are a composite of all 5 events except for 8 & Under group which does not include IM time. NT is not allowed. We encourage the young swimmers to get IM time from Time Trials. All individual times must be submitted for seeding purposes per NWAL. Time Trials are accepted; however, the fastest meet time will take priority if it is available
The meet is open for entries-the swimmer must swim all 5 events (fly, back, breast, free and IM). Log into your account and sign up!
Entry Fee is $35.00 flat-->please place check or cash in the Green Marlins drop box located in the Natatorium, in an envelope with Swimmer name.
Deadline for entries is Monday, June 3rd by 10am. This is a hard deadline.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I know this is a lot of info and I can definitely help you break down the info if needed.
Thank you-
Mindy Lara