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Team Coordinators

We'd love your help as a Team Coordinator! We can't run our team without you. 

As a thank you to these Coordinators, there are benefits to volunteering your time:
  • Your family's volunteer obligation will be fulfilled for the season. 
  • You have the same position every meet, allowing you to put your own touches on it (within NWAL regulations). 
  • Some positions have co-leads & assistants, so you would be able to share duties. 
  • You get first choice of the same position the following season.

Whether you are a veteran swim team family or are new to the sport, there is a place for you to help. These positions are an excellent way to fulfill your volunteer obligation and to be a part of a great volunteer team!

Full Season Coordinator Volunteers Description

Officials Coordinator (NWAL Certification)

Board Member Contact:  President

Wayne Lewoczko The Officials Coordinator should be an experienced swim meet referee and NWAL certified. They will provide management of the on deck assignments and rotations for home meets, assist with management as needed at away meets, and work to recruit and train additional Marlins Officials.
Clerk of Course (Board/NWAL Certification)

Chris Runneburg

The Clerk of Course is responsible for the management of the swimmer event registration process for the association. Duties will include collection and maintenance of event registration data and communication of meet entry data as required by the current Northwest Aquatic League (NWAL) Rule Book.

Ready Bench Coordinator

Board Member Contact:  Clerk of Course

OPEN The Ready Bench Coordinator manages the overall Ready Bench process and team for Marlins home meets.  The ready bench team (seaters, walkers, callers) is responsible for keeping the swim meet moving smoothly. They sequence the swimmers into the correct heat and lane assignments - ready to swim and making sure the scribes have the swimmer’s information to record the swimmer’s time.

Computer & Scoring Coordinator (NWAL Certification)

Board Member Contact:  Clerk of Course


The Computer and Scoring Coordinator is responsible for loading swimmer data into meet management software and exchanging same with opposing team, generating “heat sheets” for the meet, generating event data sheets, inputting race results, posting race results and exchanging race results with opposing team. NOTE: For Marlins home meets at the CISD Natatorium, the Nat staff run the computers during the meet.

Volunteer Co-Coordinator 

Board Member Contact:  Vice President


OPEN The Volunteer Coordinator is the hub of the Marlins volunteer organization. The Volunteer Coordinator assists with training volunteers, filling open positions, maintaining the online volunteer tracking system, working with the other teams to sync up on volunteer needs, and providing general management of the other Coordinator and Volunteer positions. 
Volunteer Co-Coordinator OPEN  

Awards & Ribbons Coordinator

Board Member Contact:  Registrar


The Awards & Ribbons Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the purchase and issue of all awards and ribbons for each meet and the end of season function.  This Coordinator also works with the Volunteer Coordinator to make sure that volunteers are identified and present to prepare the ribbons, file the ribbons, and keep track of the ribbon/award box. NOTE: This is a good volunteer position for parents who have limited availability to work during swim meets.

Wet Shop Coordinator

Board Member Contact:  Treasurer

Danielle Ralph The Wet Shop Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the purchase and sale of all “Marlins Gear” and other swim or team related products. This is includes managing inventory, recommending products to the Board and placing orders, scheduling and setting up Wet Shop times during practices and setting up Wet Shop at Marlins home meets. They manage a small team of volunteers to assist with Wet Shop.

Fundraising/Special Event Coordinator

Board Member Contact:  Secretary


The Event Coordinator assists the Marlins board and coaching staff with the planning, orders, and volunteer management for the teams social and fundraising activities.


Board Member Contact:  Outreach Coordinator 

OPEN This Coordinator takes photo at the swim meets to share share on digital and social media. NOTE: The Marlins photographer is usually permitted on deck during swim meets and at limited practices.

Web Site

Board Member Contact:  Community Outreach

Jayme Meyer This position serves as the Web Master for our team web site. This includes: 1) Management of web site registration with ISP/domain, 2) Overall set-up and general maintenance of the site, 3) Guidance and training for use of the site by board members and position coordinators, 4) Guidance and review of material posted to the site by board members and position coordinators, 5) Management and administration of swimmer/parent user id & password system, 6) Occasional review of web site links to insure functionality of same.

Set Up/Take Down

Board Member Contact:  Team Representative

OPEN The Set Up/Take Down Coordinator will manage a small team of volunteers for all Marlins meets. For home meets, set up and take down consists of marking the seating areas for home and away teams, setting up Ready Bench area and then ensuring that all areas are clean at the conclusion of the home meet. For away meets, the Coordinator will need to get the shade tents from the Marlins storage (or identify someone to do this), have the tents at the meet location well before the start of the meet for setup, and return the tents back to storage. NOTE: Ideally the Set Up coordinator has a pickup truck or other vehicle that can transport 12 to 15 shade tents.
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